Saturday, August 17, 2024

Why Not Now?

People fall into two camps: those who have taken (or are taking) New Testament Greek, and those who aren't. Which camp you fall into depends on your tolerance of pain how much delayed gratification you are motivated by. True, Greek has gotten a bad rap. It has the reputation of being much too difficult to learn. Yours truly declares, "Hogwash." I've taught beginning Greek now for 48 years to people just like you and me -- grammar idiots. When I teach a classroom full of novices, I always assume they know no language but their own (if they took Spanish in high school, they don't speak a word of it today). I also assume they want to have fun while learning Greek.

As a new school year gets underway, why not grab yourself a beginning textbook and finally start realizing your dream? Greek is more than knowing some grammar and vocabulary, but it does start there. If I could do it, so can you!