Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Step by Step, Inch by Inch

I am slowly regaining my health and strength. As the Stooges would say, "Step by step, inch by inch."

Today's brief workout saw me do two band-assisted pullups. That's right. Only two. 

It's like learning how to lift all over again. But it's in those moments that I remember why I started -- the desire to be the best version of myself, to build mental and physical resilience, to transcend the limitations I impose on myself, to be able to see my grandkids grow up if that's the Lord's will. 

Today you can choose to keep moving forward. Not because it's easy, but because it's necessary for self-mastery. Never forget that with time and patience, a setback need not spell the end of your training journey. Focus on your own progress. If you're not where you want to be, let this be the start of a transformation in your journey. 

I believe in you. Now it's time to believe in yourself. 

Remember: Step by step, inch by inch.