Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Prayerful Petitions (1 Thess. 3:11-13)

Three observations from 1 Thess. 3:11-13!

There are 3 specific petitions in Paul's prayer for the Thessalonians here:

1. That God would "make straight" the way for him to return to them.

2. That the Lord would make their love "increase and overflow" not only for each other but for all people.

3. That the Thessalonians might be inwardly strengthened so that they would be "blameless and holy" when Jesus returns.


1. Satanic hindrance is a reality in life (see 2:18).

2. Though Satan does his part, God is still sovereign. He can remove any obstacle he chooses to.

3. My love for others is not only to increase but to overflow. 

4. There's no greater incentive to personal holiness than a vision of the return of Christ. Although perfection awaits his coming, progress in holiness is still possible. Later Paul will attribute the work of sanctification to the Holy Spirit (4:8).

I always try to analyse the syntax and structure of a passage I'm reading. You may want to practice something similar in your own Bible reading!