Thursday, August 29, 2024

Squeezing Every Drop

Today I did only three exercises at the gym. I was able to increase my weights by 10 percent. The three movements I did just happen to be my favorites -- the pull up, the lat pulldown, and the bench press. There's a certain magic in lifting. 

Every weight lifting session is done in three parts. The first part is strategizing with your head. The second part is pushing hard with your body. 

Lastly, you finish your workout with your heart. All around me, excellence was coming out of the woodwork. Friendships were formed between gym members in unspoken agreements to keep each other going. I felt empathetic smiles as I lifted, and I returned the favor. "This is it," I told myself. "This is where you give everything you have." After I had finished my session, the trainer patted me on the back. "You're looking good," she said. I savored the compliment.

Although I am now in my seventies, I am still squeezing myself into my workout gear and showing up at the gym. Sometimes, I'm the only one there in my age group. Working out at the Y has taught me that it's never too late to pursue a dream. I'm not the best athlete, but I can possess the best attitude of gratitude for the good health that enables me to do what I do. I may be too old for a few things in life, but I plan on squeezing every drop of opportunity God gives me and staying active for as long as he allows. 

Have a wonderful day!