Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My Word! What a Day!

Some days are, well, spectacular. I spent most of today working outdoors in ideal weather -- 76 degrees and 43 percent humidity, aka, perfect. I launched into my chores with gusto. First up was mowing both of our lawns. 

Then it was time to spray Roundup around all of our outbuildings, including the gambrel barn. 

Work was never more enjoyable. Not a hurry in the world. Just putzin.' 

I am so proud of the kids. Their first cutting's been sold and now they're filling up the barns with their second. You can't believe how hard they work. But again, as I like to tell people, farming is hard work but good work. It puts you to bed at night with a good tired.

Next, I walked down to what we call the Valley, where I had replanted about 70 acres of pines a few years ago. I like to inspect this crop (yes, trees are as much a crop as corn or hay) about once a month to make sure there's no pine beetle damage. 

I offered a word of thanks for not finding any. 

Finally, it was time to say hey to the sheep. They love the human touch. 

Of course, the ram of the flock had to make his grand entrance. So entertaining. 

Arriving back home I found this surprise waiting for me. It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.

God loves me. He provides more than I could ever ask or imagine. Sometimes he shows up in acts of healing (I am feeling almost completely recovered from my bout with central nervous system fatigue). At other times he shows up in making the weather so beautiful you want to shout aloud. And sometimes he shows up in homemade pastries. 

I'm learning to see him in all these places.