TMI = Too Much Information. That's what I call a big problem in the study of New Testament Greek. I used to think that the more videos and YouTube channels and bloggers who wrote about studying Greek was a good thing, but recently I've come to realize that too much information can be debilitating for many people rather than helpful.
TMI is not only overwhelming, it's unnecessary. It sucks the air out of the room. It steals your joy. It robs you of contentment. You're always thinking there's more, and more, and more you need to learn before you can crack open your Greek New Testament and begin reading it for yourself. People without any experience at all in the classroom are telling us which beginning grammars are the best. Advice is a dime a dozen. My recommendation is this: just continue to make slow but steady progress using whatever beginning textbook you have at your disposal.
I definitely could be wrong, but my guess is that most of the beginning textbooks available today can get you to where you want to go. Learning to read Greek is an investment over a long period of time and requires patience, consistency, and endurance. That came home to me last night as my students and I began reading 1 John together. They were amazed at how much they understood. The joy on their faces was unforgettable. ALL healthy habits in life (be it running or learning a foreign language) require dedication over time. Shortcuts give only a passing sense of accomplishment that fade away as quickly as they come. Reading Greek rewards you because of the effort you have put into it over the years. You need to study consistently over months and years to see any improvement.
Well, there you go. That's my vent update for the day.
Thanks for reading!