Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Bringing the Microscope Back into Sermon Preparation

Hello folks! Yesterday in Greek class I urged my students to "be carried along to maturity" (so the Greek of Heb. 6:1) and to look to God and his Holy Spirit for the power and unction to accompany their efforts. I wanted to remind them that their calling is to be messengers, and their message is the truth as they find it in God's word. If they apply themselves to their Greek studies, I truly believe we can bring the microscope back into expository preaching -- not just skating over passages with a kind of superficial travelog, but looking intently at the words of the text in order to both extract and apply its message. 

That's what people need -- clear, steady, analytical reflection and instruction. The old Puritans preached "painfully, practically, and powerfully." May their tribe increase!

Have a wonderful day my friend.