How do we grow? As a bodybuilder? As a Christian?
This is a big topic, but one thing seems clear. Growth doesn't happen simply by thinking about it. As Jesus pointed out, you can't add a cubit to your height simply through your imagination. You can't just say, "I'm going to grow." You have to make sure that the factors that make for growth are present. If they are, growth will occur by itself, naturally and unforced.
According to Paul -- I was in Eph. 4:13 this morning -- the factors for spiritual growth involve increasing in (1) the unity of the faith and (2) the knowledge of the Son of God. These two factors, he says, will lead to mature manhood -- "the fullness of Christ."
In short, it's no good to say "I'm going to grow my muscles" without a knowledge of proper lifting technique coupled with a lot of exertion at the gym.
We can apply this to our spiritual life as well. By the way, I hope I was clear yesterday that you don't need professional training to understand the Bible. You don't have to know Greek and Hebrew. If you can read, you can dig into the Scriptures yourself. So don't be afraid of the word "study." Bible study can be fascinating beyond words!
Have a wonderful day!