Monday, February 12, 2024

Grateful for God's Help

Hello friends. I know it's late but I just wanted to say I hope you had a great day. Greek class this afternoon was a joy and delight. I think it went well, though I know I can always do a better job. What really blesses me is to see a group of students who have sacrificed so much of their time, energy, and even financial resources to learn this language, I love their hard work and dedication to the task, especially those for whom languages do not come very easily. My appeal to them is the same appeal I've been giving for almost five decades of teaching: the only sure way to experience a genuine relationship with God is through firsthand acquaintance with his word. I have a passion that they should read and study it for themselves. Nothing will bring stability and direction to their life like living by the Book. Thankfully, God provides the resources to help us in the process. He won't do the work for us, or do what we are able to do. But he helps us greatly in the process, and for that I am grateful.

Have a lovely evening!