How was your time in the Bible this morning? Mine was wonderful. I decided to exegete Rom. 12:9-16 for a sermon I'm preparing.
Paul titles this section of Romans "Love Unhypocritical!" Love is THE pervasive trait that colors all the others. Thus far my outline looks like this:
- Love sincerely (v. 9)
- Love discerningly (v. 9)
- Love affectionately (v. 10)
- Love enthusiastically (v. 11)
- Love patiently and prayerfully (v. 12)
- Love sacrificially (v. 13)
- Love redemptively (v. 14)
- Love empathetically (v. 15)
- Love humbly (v. 16)
You may read the passage differently and that's okay. But this is what I've come up with so far!