Thursday, June 2, 2022

A Word to My Students

Tomorrow Greek 2 comes to an end. Students will have worked through all 26 chapters of my grammar. It is with genuine delight and deep feelings of gratitude to God that I send them forth into their ministries armed with the principles and techniques they have learned in their studies. I pray that their passion to search the Scriptures may stay with them throughout their lives. Their studies will help them to feast at the table of Scripture and in turn prepare healthy meals for others. The word of God is food for our souls and deserves our best efforts. Learning is truly mastered when we can explain what we've learned to someone else. 

Grace and peace to all who completed their year of Greek instruction, and a hearty welcome to all who will begin their own journey on Monday. The Lord is giving you an opportunity to grow in faith. He wants you to trust in his faithful care and unfaltering power. 

To all of you: May your journey in the Bible never end.