Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Keep Running Your "Marathon"!

I've always wanted to be one of those volunteers who gives out medals at the end of a marathon. How many "dreams come true" do you think they get to witness? The runners they meet are exhausted. They're out of breath. Yet each one cries out "Thank you!" All express gratitude for attaining their goal. There are high fives and hugs. "I'm a winner!" "I never thought I could do this!" "I did it!" 

I've never witnessed it, but I'm told that some runners actually get engaged at the finish line. There are all types of people -- all ethnicities, all sizes, all ages, those with runners' bodies and those with beer bellies. Many are running to raise money for some charity. And then there are the tears. Oh, the tears. To date, this has happened to me 20 times. 

I'm hoping for my 21st marathon later this year. But even if I never run another marathon, I plan to find other "marathons" to complete -- more impossible goals that have nothing to do with running. I'll keep putting one foot in front of the other, simply because I know I can.