Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Thankful for Progress

Hello, friends. 

This morning I had planned to drive to the beach with my surfboard but yesterday my AC gave up the ghost and I need to get that fixed before I leave. Meanwhile, it felt soooooo good to get back to the track today to get in my 5 miles. 

Though sopping wet I was as happy as a clam at high tide. I can only imagine what these guys in their football gear were going through.

Earlier I went to the gym for a total body workout. Even though I'm not very good at them, my workouts always include pull ups. When it comes to pronated pull ups, I can knock out 3-4 reps maximum. 

For neutral grip pull ups I can usually get in one or two more. 

Today I noticed that the effort to lift my body weight seemed to be just a little bit easier than usual. When I got home I discovered why. A month and a half ago I weighed in at 240 pounds. Today the scales indicated a weight of 230. Increíble! Estupendo! (Sorry, but I've been listening to Spanish phrases during my workouts.) No, I'm not in a big rush to lose my belly fat. Most good things in life take time. But I am very happy to see progress. Believe you me, it's a lot easier to do pull ups when you're lifting 230 pounds as opposed to 240 pounds. I also seem to be gaining muscle and boosting my cardiovascular fitness and overall health along the way. The other day I was talking to someone who told me that if you lose weight too quickly your skin and fascia may not have enough time to adjust to the changes in your body composition, leaving you with loose and saggy skin. So slow and steady is the name of the game. 

Sorry for the repetitive nature of today's post. But I just had to share with you the progress the Lord is allowing me to make. 

Have a lovely day!