Friday, July 12, 2024

This and That

It's been a great day! 

1. Hurricane vestige rain. That's been the name of the game around here since last night. 

The kids have needed the rain for their crops.

Thank you, Lord. 

2. The rain let up long enough for me to get in my 5 miles at the track. Though a slight drizzle was falling, it was either that or the dreadmill at the Y. I'll go with the rain any day. 

3. Someone recommended this book to me this week. It arrived today. 

I'm adding it to my reading list for my mini-vacation. 

4. I've signed up for my first triathlon of the year down yonder in North Carolina. It's this Sunday. Seems I almost always come in second place in my age group in these events. 

I noticed that the first and third place finishers didn't bother to stick around for the awards ceremony. Probably my BO. 

5. This morning I memorized (in the LB) Phil. 4:6: "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers." I'm a little stunned at just how fast the year is passing by. I feel like I just got used to spring when all of a sudden we're in the middle of summer. I'd go all over the world if God called me to. But right now I'm content to listen to the rain pitter-pattering on the tin roof. I've learned what it means to be at peace even when I don't understand, to trust when so many things are crying out for answers. There's room for my searching heart, because I'm surrounded by this peace and I know that nothing can touch it. 

Hope you're having a wonderful day!