Monday, July 29, 2024

Keeping Your Fitness Journey in Perspective

I had an absolutely wonderful workout this morning at the Y. As usual, I did a lot of pull ups, both band assisted ones and regular, body weight ones. I'm learning how to keep things in perspective and not worry too much about my rate of progress. As you can see, about the maximum number of true pull ups I can do before I begin to lose form is two. 

On the other hand, by using a band I can increase that number to anywhere from eight to ten. This can be kind of discouraging on the surface of things. That's why it's very important that we do not take for granted what we've actually achieved. Keep in mind that people aren't looking at your physique the same way you are looking at it. Actually, nobody cares about your fitness journey as much as you do, which means that they're probably not holding you to the same bodybuilding standards that you're holding yourself to. Remember that building muscle and losing fat is something you should be doing because it makes you happy and enriches your life as a whole. Of course, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be striving to improve and to maximize your God-given potential. What I'm saying is that if you're a lifter you're probably in better shape than you think. Eventually you'll carry some decent muscle mass and leanness if you're patient with yourself. Don't let a negative mindset ruin your fitness progress. And remember that it's the same way for everyone -- me, you, and every person you see in the gym.

Have a blessed day!