Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Meeting Others Half Way (Phil. 4:5)

A Christian cannot be truly happy without working hard to be a blessing to others.

In Phil. 4:5, Paul writes, "Let your gentleness (generosity, forbearance, congeniality, magnanimity, big-heartedness) be known to everyone." No man can be happy when he's always insisting on whatever he regards as his just due. It's not that it's never appropriate to be right. Sometimes you genuinely need to be. Recently I had to put my foot down rather firmly when someone had decided to make demands on my time he had no right to make. Usually, however, it's just our ego creeping in. Sometimes it's best not to defend our position and let the other person be "right." Whenever possible, try to meet people half way. Don't become defensive. It's not our job to show others how their point of view is incorrect. 

Well, most of the time anyway. 😉