Friday, July 19, 2024

Lord, Use Me! (Eph. 4:12)

Today's 5-mile walk netted 12,000 steps. 

As I walked I thought about three words in Eph. 4:12 that I had read in my morning Bible study. 

The KJV renders them as "for the work of the ministry," though the words could also be rendered "for the work of ministry" or "for works of service." Paul's point is that the entire flock is to be engaged in rendering service to each other and to the church. The job of the leaders is to equip the church for this task. The key idea is participation.

For me, this means that this very day (July 19, 2024) there are good works that God has planned for me to do (Eph. 2:10). I am to "walk in them" -- not just by getting in a certain number of daily steps, but by allowing Christ through his Spirit to use me to serve others in ways that only I can do. This is what we are here for. By life or by death, in sickness or in health, young or old, by what we do and by what we don't do, whether we eat or drink, our business to glorify God and serve him. 

An inactive Christian is a contradiction in terms. 

Have a blessed day!