Thursday, July 25, 2024

My Fat Loss Journey (Part 9): Goal Setting

If you're like me and are wanting to lose belly fat, here's one thing I've learned in my own journey so far. It is absolutely paramount that you begin with a clearly stated goal. This is a concrete goal that is basically set in stone. If you're going to successfully push yourself forward week in and week out, you need an end destination. Some have called this a "smart" goal -- the word smart standing for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. In my own scenario, I started my fat loss journey at 25-30 percent body fat. Just saying to myself, "I want to lose fat," is a good start, but it's not a very good goal because it's not specific enough. On the other hand, saying to myself "I want to get to 12-15 percent body fat" is a very specific goal. From there you have to ask yourself if this goal is attainable. It definitely is -- getting to 15 percent body fat is something most people can do with the right type of discipline and self-control. It's also a realistic goal in that it's something I know I can do with God's help in about 3-5 months. 

My advice is to sit down and decide what you actually want, what training goal excites you, what type of physique you want to attain, and how all of this fits into your everyday life. Stop worrying about what others are doing in the gym. Don't let anybody put you on a path that deep down you don't want to be on. This is, after all, your journey, so it all boils down to personal preference. At the end of the day, you have to decide what's best for you.