Sunday, July 28, 2024

Teamwork in the Cause of the Gospel (Phil. 1:5)

The great theme of Paul's letter to the Philippians is partnership in the cause of the gospel. Paul and the Philippians had worked together as a team to advance the cause of Christ. The gospel is why teamwork is so essential. I marvel at what God has accomplished when believers work as one to advance the cause of Christ. It's like the American team during this basketball game. 

I'm proud of the way that Charles Barkley and Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan and Larry Byrd etc. played as one team. Have you ever seen such selfless passing? The goal was not personal glory but winning the Olympics for the United States of America. What a team. 

Jesus' kingdom continues to advance in the same manner in which it was launched -- through humble teamwork. We cannot carry the gospel to the poor and lowly while emulating the selfishness and pride of the world. We've been invited into a story that begins with Christ's humility and ends with his glory, never the other way around. Let's align ourselves correctly with this "downward path of Jesus," knowing that one day we will feast at his table in glory.