Saturday, July 13, 2024

First Tri of the Season

Lord willing, tomorrow morning I'm doing my first triathlon of the year down in Knightdale. It will be my 14th tri. I feel like a child on Christmas Eve. Isn't that gracious of the Lord? Then next weekend, Lord willing, I'm scheduled to do the Williamsburg triathlon in the mighty James River. Last year the water temp was a "mere" 81 degrees at race time. I practically melted.

Today I'm laying out my race outfit, charging my Garmin, and rechecking the weather to make sure I'm prepared for anything. I don't expect fast times in either the biking or the running legs of the race. I am a mediocre cyclist (at best) and a slow-as-molasses runner. But I'm not the world's worst swimmer, and I hope to put these muscles to good use in the pool. 

(From today's workout.) 

I keep reminding myself that first place, last place, or somewhere in the middle in my age division, I GET TO DO THIS  and I am extremely BLESSED. 

Have a wonderful day!