Wednesday, July 24, 2024

He Will Keep You Going!

Did you know that the book of Acts contains only one sermon given to believers? It's in Acts 14:22. Luke calls it Paul's "encouraging message" to the church. It's only one sentence:

"It is through many tribulations that we must enter the kingdom of God."

I love it how the Bible never pulls any punches. Life is hard. When death invaded our home 10 years ago and I suddenly faced an existence for which I was not prepared, I went about with a little prayer on my lips: "Lord, keep me going." It wasn't a very profound supplication but I meant it and the Lord always answered. We Christians have been promised strength for the day, sufficient grace, and the promise that we can face any situation through Christ. There will always be enough of what we need to keep going as long as we need to.

I will never sugar coat the pain of grief, just as I will never sugar coat the tedious process of getting lean. No shortcuts, no magic pills, just pure, dedicated hard work and consistency. Lots of exercise and walking. A healthy diet. Overall, a new lifestyle. I am probably in better shape today than in all my years on this planet. Stay strong, fellow Christian, and keep up the good work. Even if you only put 50 percent into it, at least that's better than doing absolutely nothing. Don't trust any "expert" who says you can do it quickly. This is me yesterday. 

I've gone from 25 percent body fat to 22 percent but I still have a long ways to go. Remember, your body will start losing fat around your chest, shoulders, arms, back, and face even. Once it's lost fat from those areas it will eventually make its way down to your upper stomach area and then your lower belly. It will probably take longer than you think. So until you get to be as lean as you want to be, be proud of the progress you've made in your face, arms, chest, and shoulders. Take weekly photos as this will show you how much fat you have actually lost and keep you motivated. Try your best, but don't be too hard on yourself, especially if you've got life stacked against you (a chaotic household, a terrible work environment, a toxic relationship, etc.). Take your cue from Paul, who "labored according to his working, which is working in me mightily" (Col. 1:29). He was kept going by Jesus. He labored in the strength of Another. He will keep you going!