Thursday, September 15, 2022

Drip, Drip, Drip

Yes, I know I sound like a dripping faucet. But permit me to remind you again about the upcoming Apologetics Conference at Clearview Church in Henderson, NC. You won't want to miss it. Yesterday I got the final speaker's lineup and lecture titles. They are:

Dr. Abidan Shah. His topic? "The Current State of the Original Text of the New Testament."

Next up? Dr. Peter Gurry, who is speaking on, "Reasoned Eclecticism and the Original Text."

Our third speaker is Dr. Maurice Robinson, whose topic is, "A Byzantine-Priority Perspective Regarding the Recognition of Autograph Originality."

Batting clean up is yours truly, whose slide show is called "Matthew 5:22 As a Possible Model of Recovering the Original Text."

May the cutest speaker prevail.