Sunday, October 16, 2022

Greek Loves Participles!

Good Sunday morning! I was up and at 'em before 6:00 this morning. I couldn't wait to get started on my day. First stop? Bojangles for coffee, Bible reading, and preparing for tomorrow night's class. The topic this time around is the Greek participle -- and my, oh my, does Greek love participles. 

There are 7,941 verses in the Greek New Testament, and 4,277 of them contain participles. Here are the participles found just in Hebrews. 

Incredible. You can't even make it through the first chapter of this epistle without a solid understanding of how the Greek participle functions. 

Time permitting, I hope to walk the class through the famous "warning passage" of Heb. 6:4-6, where the transition from present tense participles to aorist tense participles is crucial for our understanding of this text. 

Now I'm off to Richmond to (hopefully) record one of America's great church organs. It's all a part of the book I'm writing on the church/kingdom. One chapter will deal with church music and its various expressions in Christendom, from high church liturgical churches to churches that do not permit musical instruments of any kind in their services and everything in between, including Country Gospel. I also plan to get into the Hillsong controversy. So much to do! 

Have a wonderful Lord's Day.