Saturday, October 8, 2022

Overcoming Obstacles

It's that time of the year in Greek class when progress comes at a very great price. We're 19 chapters into a 26 chapter marathon and things aren't getting any easier. When you're just starting out, things are going smoothly and you're making progress. And then some obstacles pop up. Maybe you regress or lose motivation. The thing you need to remember at this point is that progress is never linear. This is especially true with bigger life goals. You'll constantly be taking a few steps forward and then a few steps back. All kinds of unexpected difficulties will arise along the way and that's exactly how it works for everybody. 

Sometimes we look at people who are "successful" in their careers and assume that it was just smooth sailing for them all along the way. Actually, we probably have no idea of all they went through to become what they are today. I'm sure there were times when things got really hard. But that is completely normal. 

Greek student, don't think that you're the only person experiencing setbacks and obstacles. They are the normal course of things no matter what we are doing. Don't look at your setbacks as a form of "regression." They are all part of one single progress. If you can accept from the get-go that the journey is going to be up and down, then there's no real question of having to overcome obstacles in the first place. You're already prepared for them and you'll stay motivated to keep on moving forward. This is true for all areas of life, including our marriages and our careers.

Wishing you a wonderful Lord's Day!
