Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Varias Cosas

Got time for a few odds and ends? Here's a random thing you probably don't know about me, but my favorite meal at our local Mexican restaurant is their arroz con pollo, which "just so happened" to be tonight's dinner special, and you can't pass THAT up, right? 

As I could only finish half of the meal, I will get two meals for the price of one. Thanks so much to my server Maria who put up with my horrid Spanish, but the staff there knows better than to try and speak Inglés with me. 

Meanwhile, everyone keeps asking me what my next race is, and, in fact, I just signed up for it. It's in exactly one month, and I've talked my daughter's husband into running it with me. It's called the Vulcan Run 10K and will take place on Saturday, Nov. 6 in the city of Birmingham. Yes, I'm returning to the great state of Alabama to watch my talented granddaughter perform a concert in Montgomery with her University of Mobile singing group that Sunday night, so why not add in a little racing action before then? I know I'm blessed to have the kind of work/teaching schedule that allows me to make spur-of-the-moments jaunts hither thither and yon, but I usually make any excuse to visit family come the holidays. Like when I will fly to the big D in December to take mom (now 91) to see the Vocal Majority -- only the greatest male singing group en todo el mundo -- on Dec. 4. Of course, the real reason I visit Dallas every year is to enjoy some of the best Ethiopian food b'hulu alem at the Desta Restaurant in Richardson. 

I still haven't decided what race I'm going to run in lieu of the cancelled Milwaukee Marathon, but I'm leaning either toward Richmond in November or Honolulu in December. Like I said, my schedule is kinda flexible, so I don't have to decide right away. Moral of the story: plan ahead when you can, and never take your family for granted. 

And that, my friends, is my final blog post for the day. Gracias por leer.